July 20, 2008

Notes from (no Longer in) Montana: The White Bread Challenge

It's a modest proposal: Eat one slice of plain white bread in less than sixty seconds. One piece of bread. One minute.

The challenge: You can't do it.

The most common response to the Challenge: Laughter.

Go ahead. Take the Challenge yourself. We won't spoil the details of the experience. It's best if you go into it cold. Naive. Bolstered by pride and ignorance.

In fact, we'll wait a while to post the video of our Montana friend failing The White Bread Challenge -- and ultimately "losing it" in that worst and most violent of ways.

Instead, here are a few highlights from the clip. The two minute, thirty-eight second clip.

Stage One: Denial

Stage Two: Despair

Stage Three: Bargaining

Stage Four: Working Through

Stage Five: Acceptance, Hope

The Drivers have issued The White Bread Challenge to a total of some twenty individuals. To date, only two* have successfully eaten a slice of white bread in less than sixty seconds (and lived to tell about it).

The rules: Bread only. No water or other beverages. As for technique, anything goes. Get creative. Experiment. You still can't do it.

Be sure to comment on this post with your results -- once you recover, of course.


*A number of these people were attending The Driver's bachelor party, so details on how many accepted the challenge -- or succeeded -- are unreliable.

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